Image-lehdet Suomessa
Rising Stars

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DA = Darkness
WB&D = Witchblade & Darkness
N:oKkJulkaistu Tarinan nimi // Alkuperäinen nimi
0 6/99 [ei julk.] [ei julk.] // Initiations
1/2 2000 [ei julk.] [ei julk.] // Rising Stars
1 10/99 DA 1/01 Nova Placenta // Nova Placenta
2 10/99 DA 2/01 Can't Touch This // Can't Touch This
3 12/99 DA 3/01 Mitä Lee Jacksonille tapahtui? // Whatever Happened to Lee Jackson?
4 1/00 DA 4/01 Naamiot // Masques
5 3/00 WB&D 3/02 The World Between // The World Between
6 4/00 WB&D 5/02 Pohja putoaa Osa 1/3 // Things Fall Apart (Part One of Three)
7 5/00 WB&D 7/02 Luhistuminen Osa 2 // Things Fall Apart (Part Two of Three)
8 6/00 WB&D 9/02 Pohja putoaa Osa 3/3 // Things Fall Apart (Part Three of Three)
9 8/00 WB&D 3/03 Kauhun vuosipäivä // Choices Made
10 9/00 WB&D 4/03 Reversals of Fortune // Reversals of Fortune
11 11/00 WB&D 5/03 [nimetön] // What Goes Around
12 1/01 WB&D 6/03 [nimetön] // A, B, C, and D
13 3/01 WB&D 7/03 Stalingrad // Stalingrad
14 5/01 WB&D 8/03 Things Change // Things Change
15 7/01 WB&D 1/04 Power // Power
16 9/01 WB&D 2/04 [nimetön] // Selah
17 1/02 [ei julk.] [ei julk.] // Time Passes
18 4/02 [ei julk.] [ei julk.] // Fire and Ash
19 9/02 [ei julk.] [ei julk.] // Terminal Error
20 10/02 [ei julk.] [ei julk.] // Blood Calls Out for Blood
21 1/03 [ei julk.] [ei julk.] // Conversations on the Hill of Dreams
22 2004 [ei julk.] [ei julk.] // [ei julk.]
23 2004 [ei julk.] [ei julk.] // [ei julk.]
24 2004 [ei julk.] [ei julk.] // [ei julk.]
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Listan kokosi Antti Peltola.

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Image Comics

Image-aloitussivu Sarjakuvarock