Well, of course I doupt you're real Casty, even now. (picture would be nice?)
But oh well, in case you're imposter-casty, be sure to have good laugh.
I've always wanted to ask, what do you (and other Italian disney guys if you know) think about Don Rosa?
Is he as "godlike" as in here?
Also, is it awesome to be disney artist? Do you do comics as "side-job"?
I mean, as from what I've heard about pays of comic artists, they suck?
And for the end:
Please give us picture with you and some sort of note so we know its to us, otherwise I will stay as suspicious as I'm at the moment. (even tho I kinda believe you, but this is the INTERNET, you never can be 100% sure)
Oh yeah and, you can quote by doing this [ quote]text here[ /quote] (WITHOUT the spaces)
Sry jos nostin tämän aiheen haudasta :C
EDIT: Sorry, didn't see Samuel's post about another forum you were posting at.
I think it's you. I really don't believe imposter would have that much effort, or if he would, that person would be just sad.
Aihe: Casty
(105 viestiä)
Viesti 46 -
02.12.2008 klo 15:18:07
Viesti 47 -
02.12.2008 klo 15:53:32
Lainaus käyttäjältä: EmRAAnkkislaisille:
Sry jos nostin tämän aiheen haudasta :C
Päinvastoin, hyvä vain. Vähän eloa Aku Ankka-alueelle.
Sry jos nostin tämän aiheen haudasta :C
Päinvastoin, hyvä vain. Vähän eloa Aku Ankka-alueelle.
Viesti 48 -
02.12.2008 klo 20:26:05
Lainaus käyttäjältä: jojo3Lainaus käyttäjältä: EmRAAnkkislaisille:
Sry jos nostin tämän aiheen haudasta :C
Päinvastoin, hyvä vain. Vähän eloa Aku Ankka-alueelle.
Aivan niin. On hyvä, että tännekin tulee vähän eloa, kun lähes kaikki kirjoitukset ovat Loremissa ja etenkin Kuvataistelu II:ssa (olen paraskin puhuja).
Sry jos nostin tämän aiheen haudasta :C
Päinvastoin, hyvä vain. Vähän eloa Aku Ankka-alueelle.
Aivan niin. On hyvä, että tännekin tulee vähän eloa, kun lähes kaikki kirjoitukset ovat Loremissa ja etenkin Kuvataistelu II:ssa (olen paraskin puhuja).
The Aku Man
Viesti 49 -
03.12.2008 klo 15:36:27
Jep jep..... Terve Casty, jos se nyt sinä oikeasti olet. Joo olisi kiva tosiaan saada kuva.
Sinä olet tällä hetkellä minun suosikki Mikki käsikirjoittaja/ piirtäjä, koska sinä teet oikeasti hyviä Mikki tarinoita... Juu-u eipä muuta sanottavaa. Kaikilla muilla on tuhansia kysymyksiä sinulle paitsi minulla. :/
On muuten kivaa leikkiä tolla Google-kääntäjällä. :D
Sinä olet tällä hetkellä minun suosikki Mikki käsikirjoittaja/ piirtäjä, koska sinä teet oikeasti hyviä Mikki tarinoita... Juu-u eipä muuta sanottavaa. Kaikilla muilla on tuhansia kysymyksiä sinulle paitsi minulla. :/
On muuten kivaa leikkiä tolla Google-kääntäjällä. :D
Viesti 50 -
24.12.2008 klo 17:30:45
Varsin taitava piirtäjä tämä Casty. Kiinnitin huomiota häneen jo siitä "Suuri, Suurempi.." tarinasta, jossa muistaakseni tämä Tauno Tuplajekku esiintyi..
Loistava piirtäjänalku, jos näin voisi, sanoa, sillä eihän häntä voi "aloittelijaksi" kutsua? Onhan hänen tarinoitaan nähty jo vuoden 2006 Loppupuolella.
Jos olet kiinnostunut hänen tarinoistaan voit tutkia, taskarin 321 Noitakonsti, tai sitrten voit etsiä castyn mikki-tarinoita yhdestä tämän vuoden Roope Sedästä..
Myös tämän vuoden Taskukirjasta (ainakin yhdestä) pitäisi löytyä Mikki-Tarina castyn käsialaa. Mutta loistava piirtäjä in Casty! :o :o
Loistava piirtäjänalku, jos näin voisi, sanoa, sillä eihän häntä voi "aloittelijaksi" kutsua? Onhan hänen tarinoitaan nähty jo vuoden 2006 Loppupuolella.
Jos olet kiinnostunut hänen tarinoistaan voit tutkia, taskarin 321 Noitakonsti, tai sitrten voit etsiä castyn mikki-tarinoita yhdestä tämän vuoden Roope Sedästä..
Myös tämän vuoden Taskukirjasta (ainakin yhdestä) pitäisi löytyä Mikki-Tarina castyn käsialaa. Mutta loistava piirtäjä in Casty! :o :o
Viesti 51 -
27.12.2008 klo 12:14:33
Lainaus käyttäjältä: AnkkarockVarsin taitava piirtäjä tämä Casty
Piirtäjänä ei liiemmin Castystä pidä (toki keskivertoa ehkä parempi), mutta ne käsikirjoitukset ovat aivan loistavia! Olen alkanut fanittamaan Castya parhaimpana käsikirjoittajan ikinä. Yksi päivä luin hänen tarinansa jo toiseen kertaankin.
Piirtäjänä ei liiemmin Castystä pidä (toki keskivertoa ehkä parempi), mutta ne käsikirjoitukset ovat aivan loistavia! Olen alkanut fanittamaan Castya parhaimpana käsikirjoittajan ikinä. Yksi päivä luin hänen tarinansa jo toiseen kertaankin.
Viesti 52 -
28.12.2008 klo 13:26:35
Eihän Casty nyt niin huono piirtäjä ole... Ihan hyvä mutta käsikirjoittajana mahtava! Casty on kieltämättä tämän hetken parhaita käsikirjoittajia muunmuassa Tito Faracin joukossa...
Viesti 53 -
30.01.2009 klo 15:45:10
Castyn varhainen harrastelijapiirros. Ilmeisestikin aloitusivu Roope-setä tarinaan.
Todella hauska ja jos tarkkaan katsoo, on hänen nykyinen tyyli tunnistettavissa. Ei kovin hyvin, mutta kuitenkin...
Tuo ylle linkitetty kuva paljon muuta Casystä löydät tältä sivulta.
Mukana mm. kansiluonnoksia ja sarjakuvasivujen luonnosvaiheita ja Castyn haastattelu.
Sivu on italiaksi.
Castyn varhainen harrastelijapiirros. Ilmeisestikin aloitusivu Roope-setä tarinaan.
Todella hauska ja jos tarkkaan katsoo, on hänen nykyinen tyyli tunnistettavissa. Ei kovin hyvin, mutta kuitenkin...
Tuo ylle linkitetty kuva paljon muuta Casystä löydät tältä sivulta.
Mukana mm. kansiluonnoksia ja sarjakuvasivujen luonnosvaiheita ja Castyn haastattelu.
Sivu on italiaksi.
Viesti 54 -
01.02.2009 klo 18:38:49
it's me, Casty, again.
(I lost my password, or maybe you changed the rules? Well, in any case, I re-registered again)
Well, I saw just a few of you believe it's really me. I'm sorry that's someone's thinking I'm a cheater, but I do understand: you're right, the web is full of people fooling around other people. Perhaps, to prove it's me, I can tell you this: my next story will be released on Topolino n° 2779, will be drawn by Massimo De Vita and the cover will be drawn by me... Now, you just have to wait til the end of February, to see if I'm telling the truth.
Btw, this will be my LAST message on this site: I just wanted to thank you, and I did it. Stop.
(Hey, don't worry, I'll keep on readin you, every now and then!:-))
And now, for those who believe (or don't believe) it's me, some answers...
Yes, I have question for you: Are you going to write and draw all your stories in future?
And I have the second question: What do you like Paul Murry's stories? My opinion is, that he is / was one of the greatest Mickey Mouse designers. I particularly like stories who have written by Call Fall Berg.
No, I'll keep on writing for me and other drawers, too. I'm currently drawing this:
It's a 70 panels' story, if you click on the link you'll get a sort of promotional wallpaper... I hope you'll like it:-)
Murry, I like his style. He reminds when I was a child... I love his tender way to draw Mickey, but I think he deserved better plots...
Do you also working for Egmont, Casty?
How full comic author has time to respond in a column on the debate on the issues?
I suspect! How do we know for sure, that you're really Casty?
Well, I don't work for Egmont: Egmont buys stories from Italian Disney, that's all. Btw, a few years ago I made some illustrations directly for Egmont. Sorry, if you don't believe it's me...
@Steve M
I think that Tito Faraci may be your only "rival" of this moment. Gottfredson and Scarpa were magnificent Mickey screenwriters but there are two other people which should be on the list: Tito Faraci and Guido Martina. The first question is:
What do you like their stories? They both are great Italian screenwriters and they made scripts of Mickey Mouse stories. What is your opinion of their stories?
The second questions is:
What is your favorite story of your own production?
I don't think we can be considered "rivals": we both have the same goal (writing good stories), but we are really, really different: he's a WRITER, and takes care of Ducks, Mices, PK, Ultraheroes, etc... Me, I'm a writer and a DRAUGHTSMAN, and I take care exclusively of Mice. Yes, I like both, they wrote great stories for Mickey. Btw, Martina is not in my "very personal top ten": my favorite authors are Scarpa, Barks, Gottfredson, Walsh, Cimino and Pezzin.
My favorite in my own production? It is, at the moment, that: ... ste&id=155
I really love this story, but there are some others I love the same way:
for example, "Topolino e il dominatore delle nuvole", or "Topolino e il Colosso di Rodi"... Let me say I have a... "personal top ten", it's hard to say which I love the most.
@Steve M
(Edit: Great! Topolinon reportedly a link to discussion areas, has its own theme Nintendo! Here goes the final evening of Italian opinion follows.)
This, I can't understand, sorry. Are you saying I put a link to a... Nintendo forum?! It's not correct: that site is about comics, movies and videogames... Some dear italian fans made a chronological list of my stories, so I thought it could be useful for you. Sorry for the mistake...:-(
@Steve M
Eli Casty therefore arises of the morning and start their day by checking his mail and visit Finland Ankkiksessa.
Since then, he aloitaa drawing / writing from time to time, reviewing their e-mail (and it tiestysti also Ankkiksessa). At night he still check his mail (and it ankkiksessa, of course) at night he still wakes up. Just check for new e-mail messages to any of (and pop more quickly ankkiksessa).
Hey, are you checking my web activity?! This scares ME a lot...:-)
I want to ask some questions about the length of the stories. Can you decide how long or short your stories will be? Do you want to make long stories? Some Scarpa's stories were very long. Do you want to make over 100 pages stories?
A LONG story doesn't necessarily mean a GOOD story...But, yes, I like writing long stories:-)
Most of my favorites Mickey's stories are very long. Unfortunately, I cannot decide how long a story can be: I only can purpose, then the redaction gives me an OK (or a K.O.... :-)) Btw, one of mine favorite is "Topolino e il caso sottilissimo": only 26 panels, but beautifully drawn by Lorenzo Pastrovicchio...
Well, of course I doupt you're real Casty, even now. (picture would be nice?)
But oh well, in case you're imposter-casty, be sure to have good laugh.
I've always wanted to ask, what do you (and other Italian disney guys if you know) think about Don Rosa?
Is he as "godlike" as in here?
I'm not laughing: on the contrary, I'm sad. But you're right, this is the internet.
I like Don Rosa but I have to admit I haven't read a lot of him, sorry. Here in Italy he was published on a special series of volumes, called "Zio Paperone-Uncle Scrooge", and I know he has an of fans!:-)
Also, is it awesome to be Disney artist? Do you do comics as "side-job"?
I mean, as from what I've heard about pays of comic artists, they suck?
Yes, it's fine be a Disney artist:-) I like my job, and I won't change it with another one!
Btw, I have a graphic studio since 1996, and keep on working for publicity and write for tv and some other italian comics.
Do pays suck? Eh, eh:-)) It depends on how good you are!
Hey, this is a drawing of when I was a CHILD!! Please, don't think I'm drawing that way TODAY...:-)
Well, that's all. Again, a very very great THANKS everybody ,
bye bye!
it's me, Casty, again.
(I lost my password, or maybe you changed the rules? Well, in any case, I re-registered again)
Well, I saw just a few of you believe it's really me. I'm sorry that's someone's thinking I'm a cheater, but I do understand: you're right, the web is full of people fooling around other people. Perhaps, to prove it's me, I can tell you this: my next story will be released on Topolino n° 2779, will be drawn by Massimo De Vita and the cover will be drawn by me... Now, you just have to wait til the end of February, to see if I'm telling the truth.
Btw, this will be my LAST message on this site: I just wanted to thank you, and I did it. Stop.
(Hey, don't worry, I'll keep on readin you, every now and then!:-))
And now, for those who believe (or don't believe) it's me, some answers...
Yes, I have question for you: Are you going to write and draw all your stories in future?
And I have the second question: What do you like Paul Murry's stories? My opinion is, that he is / was one of the greatest Mickey Mouse designers. I particularly like stories who have written by Call Fall Berg.
No, I'll keep on writing for me and other drawers, too. I'm currently drawing this:
It's a 70 panels' story, if you click on the link you'll get a sort of promotional wallpaper... I hope you'll like it:-)
Murry, I like his style. He reminds when I was a child... I love his tender way to draw Mickey, but I think he deserved better plots...
Do you also working for Egmont, Casty?
How full comic author has time to respond in a column on the debate on the issues?
I suspect! How do we know for sure, that you're really Casty?
Well, I don't work for Egmont: Egmont buys stories from Italian Disney, that's all. Btw, a few years ago I made some illustrations directly for Egmont. Sorry, if you don't believe it's me...
@Steve M
I think that Tito Faraci may be your only "rival" of this moment. Gottfredson and Scarpa were magnificent Mickey screenwriters but there are two other people which should be on the list: Tito Faraci and Guido Martina. The first question is:
What do you like their stories? They both are great Italian screenwriters and they made scripts of Mickey Mouse stories. What is your opinion of their stories?
The second questions is:
What is your favorite story of your own production?
I don't think we can be considered "rivals": we both have the same goal (writing good stories), but we are really, really different: he's a WRITER, and takes care of Ducks, Mices, PK, Ultraheroes, etc... Me, I'm a writer and a DRAUGHTSMAN, and I take care exclusively of Mice. Yes, I like both, they wrote great stories for Mickey. Btw, Martina is not in my "very personal top ten": my favorite authors are Scarpa, Barks, Gottfredson, Walsh, Cimino and Pezzin.
My favorite in my own production? It is, at the moment, that: ... ste&id=155
I really love this story, but there are some others I love the same way:
for example, "Topolino e il dominatore delle nuvole", or "Topolino e il Colosso di Rodi"... Let me say I have a... "personal top ten", it's hard to say which I love the most.
@Steve M
(Edit: Great! Topolinon reportedly a link to discussion areas, has its own theme Nintendo! Here goes the final evening of Italian opinion follows.)
This, I can't understand, sorry. Are you saying I put a link to a... Nintendo forum?! It's not correct: that site is about comics, movies and videogames... Some dear italian fans made a chronological list of my stories, so I thought it could be useful for you. Sorry for the mistake...:-(
@Steve M
Eli Casty therefore arises of the morning and start their day by checking his mail and visit Finland Ankkiksessa.
Since then, he aloitaa drawing / writing from time to time, reviewing their e-mail (and it tiestysti also Ankkiksessa). At night he still check his mail (and it ankkiksessa, of course) at night he still wakes up. Just check for new e-mail messages to any of (and pop more quickly ankkiksessa).
Hey, are you checking my web activity?! This scares ME a lot...:-)
I want to ask some questions about the length of the stories. Can you decide how long or short your stories will be? Do you want to make long stories? Some Scarpa's stories were very long. Do you want to make over 100 pages stories?
A LONG story doesn't necessarily mean a GOOD story...But, yes, I like writing long stories:-)
Most of my favorites Mickey's stories are very long. Unfortunately, I cannot decide how long a story can be: I only can purpose, then the redaction gives me an OK (or a K.O.... :-)) Btw, one of mine favorite is "Topolino e il caso sottilissimo": only 26 panels, but beautifully drawn by Lorenzo Pastrovicchio...
Well, of course I doupt you're real Casty, even now. (picture would be nice?)
But oh well, in case you're imposter-casty, be sure to have good laugh.
I've always wanted to ask, what do you (and other Italian disney guys if you know) think about Don Rosa?
Is he as "godlike" as in here?
I'm not laughing: on the contrary, I'm sad. But you're right, this is the internet.
I like Don Rosa but I have to admit I haven't read a lot of him, sorry. Here in Italy he was published on a special series of volumes, called "Zio Paperone-Uncle Scrooge", and I know he has an of fans!:-)
Also, is it awesome to be Disney artist? Do you do comics as "side-job"?
I mean, as from what I've heard about pays of comic artists, they suck?
Yes, it's fine be a Disney artist:-) I like my job, and I won't change it with another one!
Btw, I have a graphic studio since 1996, and keep on working for publicity and write for tv and some other italian comics.
Do pays suck? Eh, eh:-)) It depends on how good you are!
Hey, this is a drawing of when I was a CHILD!! Please, don't think I'm drawing that way TODAY...:-)
Well, that's all. Again, a very very great THANKS everybody ,
bye bye!
Viesti 55 -
01.02.2009 klo 19:56:39
Hello, Casty! Thanks when you return (i m real two-bit for english.. hah.. i am 11 yers old.. hehheh)!
You are to new Romano Scarpa!
I crip dictionary .. hahha..
Hi, how are you?
I Hope so good!
Good afternoon..
(huoh.. hehe).
(Heh. En oikein osaa englantia niin hain googlen sanakirjasta sanoja.. hehheh)
You are to new Romano Scarpa!
I crip dictionary .. hahha..
Hi, how are you?
I Hope so good!
Good afternoon..
(huoh.. hehe).
(Heh. En oikein osaa englantia niin hain googlen sanakirjasta sanoja.. hehheh)
Viesti 56 -
01.02.2009 klo 20:08:07
Hello Casty! It is great that you are visited in this site. I did not belive that when I heard you were there.
I think you are a new Romano Scarpa.
You are amazing Disney artist.
Your drafts are amazing. (My english is not very good couse I am 13)
You have a vivid style. I like your style.
I hope you understand my bad english, I hope, really.
But, I hope you came some day back in this site. If you come I promise my english is better than now!
"See" you maybe again!
I think you are a new Romano Scarpa.
You are amazing Disney artist.
Your drafts are amazing. (My english is not very good couse I am 13)
You have a vivid style. I like your style.
I hope you understand my bad english, I hope, really.
But, I hope you came some day back in this site. If you come I promise my english is better than now!
"See" you maybe again!
Viesti 57 -
01.02.2009 klo 20:18:42
Ei teidän välttämättä tarvitse englantia puhua. Hän käyttää google-kääntäjää.
Viesti 58 -
01.02.2009 klo 20:24:21
Lainaus käyttäjältä: FauntleroyEi teidän välttämättä tarvitse englantia puhua. Hän käyttää google-kääntäjää. Ai, no aina vain paranee. Mistä muuten tiedät sen? Ja onko Goole kääntäjä kyllin laadukas?
Viesti 59 -
01.02.2009 klo 20:27:02
Lainaus käyttäjältä: wierii2Lainaus käyttäjältä: FauntleroyEi teidän välttämättä tarvitse englantia puhua. Hän käyttää google-kääntäjää. Ai, no aina vain paranee. Mistä muuten tiedät sen? Ja onko Goole kääntäjä kyllin laadukas?
Google kääntäjä on aika huono. Esim joillakin sanoilla on monia merkityksiä yms.
On muuten kunnia saada Casty tänne. Pitäisikö merkitä tämä Castyn vierailu seuraavaan Ankkiksen historiikkiin?
Google kääntäjä on aika huono. Esim joillakin sanoilla on monia merkityksiä yms.
On muuten kunnia saada Casty tänne. Pitäisikö merkitä tämä Castyn vierailu seuraavaan Ankkiksen historiikkiin?
Viesti 60 -
01.02.2009 klo 20:27:39
Oooh! Casty on foorumilla! Pakko se on sitten vähän kehua:
Casty on oikein hyvä piirtäjä, uusi Scarpa, vaikkei aivan mastrolle vvertoja vedäkkään. Valitettavasti en ole voinut sijoittaa Castya "Parhaat piirtäjät" top-50 listalle, sry. Castyn jälki on kuitenkin oikein hienoa, veikken ole lukenut kuin muutaman sarjan. Täytyy toivoa, että niitä julkaistaan lisää Ropsussa tahi Taskarissa. Arvosana: 7½
Casty on oikein hyvä piirtäjä, uusi Scarpa, vaikkei aivan mastrolle vvertoja vedäkkään. Valitettavasti en ole voinut sijoittaa Castya "Parhaat piirtäjät" top-50 listalle, sry. Castyn jälki on kuitenkin oikein hienoa, veikken ole lukenut kuin muutaman sarjan. Täytyy toivoa, että niitä julkaistaan lisää Ropsussa tahi Taskarissa. Arvosana: 7½